
Welcome Forums Spreadsheet Usage cURL.exe

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  • #23125

    Hi guys,

    Great job getting this up and running even if just in simulation mode for now. I followed the steps last night to try and install everything to simulate today’s racing, however when I click “simulate betting” within the spreadsheet, I get an error saying please update to the latest version. I followed all of the relevant download links in the setup guide and have version 1.45 which seems like the latest one.

    The version status and server response both then refer to cURL.exe as follows: “Unable to connect to Please check you have ‘cURL.exe’ installed.”

    Probably something which I’ve done wrong so apologies but any idea on the solution for this?



    Are you still having problems Ascanius? The website was briefly down this morning, around the time of your post… might be related?



    Hey Nick, thanks for the response. I am still having the issue… when I click simulate betting, a pop up comes up saying please update to the latest version and clicking ok takes me to your website client download page. Version status still refers to checking if I have cURL.exe installed which I can’t see that it was included in the download. Sorry for being trouble!



    hi Craig,

    “cURL.exe” comes with Windows 10 by default. If you’re using an older version of Windows you might have to install it .

    You can get the windows version from here (you will have to UNZIP it before it can be used).

    I found this link via this article on StackOverflow

    Hopefully, all you need to do is put “curl.exe” in the same folder as the spreadsheet, that should fix it. Click “check connection” in the spreadsheet when you’ve got curl, let me know how you get on

    I’ll update our download page with this link to CURL as well, in case others run into the same problem.

    All the best,


    Thanks for quick response. I do have Windows 7 as I’m hoping to use an old work laptop for running the bets.

    I have downloaded curl.exe from the suggested link and looked through the discussion link and attempted to follow but some of it goes over my technical language barrier! Unfortunately, despite putting the Curl application in the same folder, when I click check connection I still get “Please check you have ‘curl.exe’ installed”.

    I’m not sure despite having curl downloaded, by computer is actually running anything as nothing happens when I click the application. Will have another play around shortly but any further ideas?

    Thanks for the help – I imagine you’re inundated at the relaunch!



    Hi Craig!

    Any resolution?
    What was the problem?
    How did you fix it?

    I’m experiencing the same issue albeit I’m on Windows 10.



    Hi Roman,

    Have a look in the “Service Status” forum, a new version of the spreadsheet has been released tonight, v2.02, it might help.

    If that doesn’t work, get me via webchat tomorrow..



    Hi Nick.

    I’ve tried it. It didn’t work.
    I’ve also made Basic CURL test (connect without credentials) and it passed.
    But when I’m testing the connection with login\password I’m facing the old error “Please check you have ‘curl.exe’ installed”.

    Below you’ll find log form Log_Archive_Diagnostic folder, maybe it and my explanation above will give any insights into the problem.

    I’ll be on a trip, so I’ll connect with you by webchat in the evening.

    2020-07-12 08:18:58 : LocalFullName (OneDrive Check): C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\flat-racing_2.02\Place_Bets_PSM_Ltd_v2.02.xlsm
    2020-07-12 08:18:58 : CURL_Dependancies_Check(), all dependancies found in local folder!
    2020-07-12 08:18:58 : Set Run sheet, cell C35 to ”CURL in spreadsheet folder”
    2020-07-12 08:18:58 : Found CURL at sCURLPath: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\flat-racing_2.02\curl64.exe
    2020-07-12 08:18:58 : Betting Stopped.
    2020-07-12 08:20:13 : CURL_Dependancies_Check(), all dependancies found in local folder!
    2020-07-12 08:20:13 : Set Run sheet, cell C35 to ”CURL in spreadsheet folder”
    2020-07-12 08:20:13 : Found CURL at sCURLPath: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\flat-racing_2.02\curl64.exe
    2020-07-12 08:20:15 : Market sheet Worksheet_Change event triggered: -3 value put in cell Q2
    2020-07-12 08:20:15 : Market sheet Worksheet_Change event triggered: -5 value put in cell Q2

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