Reply To: Spreadsheet v1.46 Is available for download

Welcome Forums Spreadsheet Usage Spreadsheet v1.46 Is available for download Reply To: Spreadsheet v1.46 Is available for download


Hi Nick, appreciate the speedy response on trying to get this one fixed.

I still have the issue except it has changed slightly. Within the spreadsheet, the ‘check connection’ function now works and a box comes up saying “Connection OK and membership setup correctly”. This now means my server response box at the bottom of the page seems to be indicating it is working correctly. This was failing on v1.45.

However, when clicking ‘start betting’ or ‘simulate betting’ I am still getting a pop-up saying ‘please update to the latest version’ and in version status ‘Unable to connect to Please check you have ‘cURL.exe’ installed.’ Which is the same response as on v1.45.

Hope the feedback helps – happy to guinea pig any further potential remedies if you wish. I’m on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.
