Gen2 Stop Loss and v2.10

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    Pleased to confirm the new Stop-Loss system is working as intended. We will be betting with real money again, from today.

    Yesterday, for those of you lucky enough to get all the tips, we made 67 points profit.

    A few customers are still not reliably getting all the tips. This is despite us building new servers and separating the website from the tips retrieval system. To that end v2.10 of the spreadsheet is designed to record key data received from Gruss BA, into the spreadsheet’s diagnostic log. Data includes top 3 runner names, their Back prices, the date/time the data was last updated, the race name and so on.

    The intention is to try and bottom-out where the problem lies – with us, with Gruss, or a specific users internet connection.

    v2.10 also addresses an issue where the spreadsheet sometimes goes into “Stop” mode, after the daily 01:00 hrs event which refreshes the Gruss “QuickPickList”.

    Download the spreadsheet here.


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