“Check Connection” and CURL Errors..

Welcome Forums Service Status “Check Connection” and CURL Errors..

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  • #23715

    We’ve finally got to the bottom of an issue which affected a small percentage of customers, where the “check connection” button displayed an error, or they couldn’t retrieve tips.

    The issue was to do with the way our new “tips.flat-racing.com” webservers had been configured with Security Certificates (SSL Certs) . The “www.flat-racing.com” URL, which runs on a different set of servers, was configured correctly. The “www” URL was accessed by versions of the spreadsheet prior to v2.03.

    Discovered today the new “tips” servers were failing an external SSL health-check, due to a missing SSL “Chain file” (a new one for me). Suffice to say, all fixed now.

    Both our URLs now pass an independant SSL validation check:

    SSL healthcheck – tips.flat-racing.com

    If you continue to experience errors with the “check connection” please let us know.

    If the error persists for you, please try a reboot of your PC first. If that still hasn’t resolved the issue, try this:

    Clear Browser SSL Cache


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