October-21 Update

Welcome Forums Service Status October-21 Update

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  • #24960

    Hi All,

    Quick update on the state of our service.

    The system suffered a nasty drop in profits from the 16th September, for the following 3 weeks. Thankfully, it has now recovered from that dip.

    The system continues to perform fairly well, we remain +400 points since the 15th July, when our most significant recent fix to the system was applied, see Change Log, for more info.

    As usual, we’re following the systems’ progress on our Simulation Profit/Loss chart.

    The profits clearly diverged from our expected performance from mid September, but now appear to be following the right trajectory once again, see: Profits, Live v. Simulation.

    In summary, all is well, we expect to continue betting for the foreseeable.


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