What are the steps I need to implement to create my own bot?

Welcome Forums Developer API Access What are the steps I need to implement to create my own bot?

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  • #23928

    Hi Nick,

    I started to work on the API access recently and I have some questions:
    – when I try to invoke the URL
    mentioned it constantly returns no picks. Do I probably need to perform that call few seconds before a race, correct?
    – is there a list of races you’re going to pick? How can I get the start time of horse races?
    – the stop loss mechanism is accessible also via API? Let’s say I will
    be able to retrieve the picks at some point… What should I do? Place the bet straight away, correct? Or is there another endpoint I should look at to double check what’s the status of the stop
    loss algorithm?

    Thanks so much



    Tips are published 30 seconds before a race start time. They remain on the server for 60 seconds after the start time.

    This list of races for each day is published here: Racing Schedule

    The Stop Loss mechanism is handled on our side. We simply stop publishing tips for a specific race course, or on a specific day when loss limits have been reached. You should bet immediately when a tip is retrieved, though we recommend submitting the bet for BSP (starting price). See Pre Race Prices versus BSP for the current pre-race prices compared to the starting Price.

    A tip will look like this in html:
    2020-09-02 15:30:00Al Daiha,2Al Daiha,3Al Daiha,4Al Daiha,5Al Daiha,6

    The format is: (race time), (Runner name),(prediction model number (1-6))

    Whereas when a course OR daily stop loss has been reached, you will see this message:
    2020-09-02 17:05:00,Daily Stop Loss triggered.

    You should keep polling our servers until the last race of each day, due to the way the Gen2 Stop Loss works, see Gen2 Stop Loss.

    Let me know if you need more guidance,



    There is something else you might like to include – is a check to see if we recommend betting at the present time. This is a new feature we are adding today:

    Model Status

    You can make a direct call to this URL to see our Betting Status:
    Our Betting Status

    or via CURL:

    GET https://tips.flat-racing.com/wp-json/wp/v2/pages?slug=our-betting-status


    thanks so much nick for your quick reply. I’ll give a try in these days!


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